Langley Pond


Langley Pond Park is the perfect place for rowing regattas and winter training. Having hosted over 50 local, regional, and national level rowing events, Langley Pond Park quickly became a prominent rowing location before the 1996 Olympics. Langley Pond features a 2000 meter rowing course with eight fully buoyed lanes. Facilities include a finish line tower, boat ramp with boat dock, swim area, concession stand, large picnic shelter, grills, bathhouse, playground, and sandy beach. The parking area allows for trailer parking and additional parking near the picnic shelter. Regattas at Langley Pond include the Augusta Invitational, which takes place annually in March and the US Rowing Masters Championship in June. Plan to spend the night at our Host Hotel Country Inn and Suites offering great rates for comfortable, clean and beautiful accommodations. Check our calendar for event dates and information.

Venue Neutrality

Currently, there are no rowing teams utilizing Langley Pond as a home course for training. Visiting teams do utilize Langley Pond when in the area for winter or spring training sessions.
The body of water closes to the public during rowing events.


The course is a 2000 meter, 8 Lane fully buoyed rowing course. Buoys are on 10 meter centers, lanes are 13.5m in width. The course cables and 5 cross cables are fully adjustable on a winch system.
The course is oriented on a general east west configuration. The start is on the western end of the pond, the finish on the eastern end, the aligner on the southern side, and the staging, launching, facilities are on the northern side. The pond is generally protected from the wind, but there are times when wind can become an issue. When construction work was being performed on the dam, the opportunity arose to remove high spots in the pond floor so that the depth is very consistent in all racing lanes.
The starter’s tower is stationed on a 20’ X 20’ floating dock. The tower is 7.5’ X 7.5’ and the platform is 8’ above the water. There are 3 lane facing speakers, a hands-free PA system, adjustable microphone stand, an additional portable PA for addressing the staging area, and a 5’ X 7’ pop up tent is available if desired. The start tower has direct, unobstructed sight to the finish line tower The aligner platform is located on shore, elevated, and to the right of the start platform. A start target is located on the left side of the start tower, and a 2 cable sight on the aligner’s platform. A 10’ X 10’ pop up tent is available, and a portable toilet is stationed close by to facilitate the start line personnel.
Currently, there are 6 adjustable stake boats, centered in each lane. Future plans include a starting grid with adjustable fingers and elevated boat holder positions.
The first 100m of the course is marked with red buoys on 5m centers. The main body of the course is marked with yellow buoys on 10m centers, with each 250m marked with a red buoy. The 500m marks are identified with larger orange buoys outside the course.
The finish line is identified by the location of the 3-story finish line tower and the two cross cable pilings (well off the course) and the finish line target for officials on the piling opposite the tower. The officials’ stand within the tower is on the first floor (elevated above the water level) with 12’ high windows. The finish line sight is a cable aligned with the target and officials’ seats.
The flagger is located on the balcony located on the second floor and past the finish line. The flag and flagger are fully visible from all lanes beyond 500m out. Finish line camera (i.e. as utilized by Here Now Timing) has a mounting point on the third-floor balcony, aligned with the finish line sight cable and target, looking down across the racing lanes.
Beyond the finish line, the lane lines have large orange buoys supporting them and signifying that passing them, the shells are well past the finish line.
The Judges stand has clear view of the course through 12’ tall windows, facing the start and looking across the finish. Each floor has a restroom. The building is climate controlled. Full wi-fi is on site as is hardline access.
Hear Now has been on site and is familiar with the setup. There is ample parking for officials. No teams have access to the tower as it is a gated facility.

The Docks

The LP rowing venue utilizes a 120’ launching dock. Both sides available for launching and a 100’ return dock. Both sides available for retrieval. Each dock is situated to facilitate ease in heading to the start or warm up area, and returning from racing. Officiating launches utilize portions of the return dock that do not interfere with returning shells.
Only event launches and rowing shells are permitted on the Pond. Launches for officials are wakeless. There are 6 available. Marshalling launches are skiff type with outboard motors with either tiller or steering wheel operation.

Spectator Information & Hospitality

Spectator viewing is available along the course in various locations. Currently, work has begun to create a spectator area just before the finish tower. It is not complete at this time, but should be as the 2024 calendar year commences. The venue is developing the option of viewing the racing on a big screen type display. Video from drones, on water vessels, and stationary positioning are being established.